You helped rescue orphaned wombats
Wednesday, July 27, 2022
These two orphaned wombats had a lucky escape from floodwaters after they were rescued near the Belanglo State Forest in NSW during the recent flood crisis.
A member of public found the wombats while checking on her chickens, as the surrounds of her home began to be engulfed with water. One of the wombats was clinging to the chicken wire fence to keep above water, whilst the other was desperately swimming. She rescued both and immediately called for WIRES assistance.
Weighing as little as a bag of sugar, the two youngsters are now with their WIRES carer Penelope, where they’ll remain until they’re ready to be released back into their natural habitat.
Bare-nosed wombats suffered dreadfully during the recent storms and floods. Heavy rain can cause burrows to flood and collapse, forcing survivors to create makeshift homes along riverbeds, which are not safe havens during floods, or often in garages, car ports or under houses.
Wombats brought into WIRES’ care during the floods were provided with food, bedding, and alternative burrows (often repurposed dog kennels!) whilst their land dried out. When ready they were transported back to their original home range and wherever possible, to their original burrows.
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