Wallaroo joey

Wallaroo joey

Friday, January 1, 2021

This Wallaroo joey was recently rescued after her mother had been killed in a vehicle collision. The member of public contacted WIRES who organised for one of our volunteers to collect the joey.

Initial assessment found what appeared to be a tail injury. She was taken to the Avian Reptile and Exotic Pet Hospital for assessment where it was discovered that her tail injury was a growth malformation and not a fracture as we had feared.

It was determined that without correction the malformation may impact her survival in the wild.

Associate Professor Lorenzo Crosta as well as the rest of the amazing team at the Avian Reptile and Exotic Pet Hospital performed surgery to straighten this little girls’ tail.

Due to their amazing efforts she is currently in care with one of our macropod carers where she is expected to make a full recovery and will be released back into the wild when she is old enough.

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