Arrow removed and joey back with Mum, Durras NSW

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Eastern Grey kanagaroo joey that had been shot through the head with an arrow in Durras, NSW has had its arrow removed this morning, Saturday 22 March 2014, and has been released back to the wild.

The mob the joey belongs to returned to feed at the grounds of the Durras Lake North Holiday Park this morning and residents of the park were able to secure it and successfully remove the arrow.

The arrow has been given to Batemans Bay Police.

A WIRES macropod carer of the Mid South Coast branch of WIRES was called in to assess the animal. After consulting with a local vet and the branch's Macropod Coordinator, it was agreed to release the joey.

"The wound is remarkably clean and there is a high chance it will self-repair without intervention," says WIRES spokesperon.

"Given the level of stress the animal has experienced, and the potential for it to develop post-capture myopathy, it was decided that it is in the best of the joey to remain alongside its mother in the wild for now and be observed.

"In the event that the wound should be come infected, or there is indication its health is diminishing, WIRES will bring the animal in for treatement," concludes WIRES.

Media Contact: WIRES (02) 8977 3327

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