An inspiring legacy from stage-star Brenda Magnifico
Friday, August 4, 2023
Brenda Magnifico had a very generous spirit, and as a Benefactor to WIRES, her generosity lives on, providing life-saving care for generations of Australian native animals.
In the words of her family member Louis; Brenda was a strong, independent, intelligent woman who lived life to the full. Her life revolved around her career in show-business a career that spanned well over 50 years.
Brenda’s training started early, with her mother supervising singing, dancing and piano lessons from the age of four. By 15 she was an understudy for shows at Sydney’s famous Tivoli Theatre and from thereon performed for decades across Australia, Asia and Europe. She loved life on the stage and worked closely with many well-known Australian and International artists, both as a co-performer and later, when she established her own costume business.
Both Brenda and her husband Thomas were surrounded by much loved pets and felt strongly about animal welfare. They were generous donors throughout their life, and were determined that this support continued after their deaths.
Surviving Thomas, Brenda left a generous Bequest to WIRES for which we are extremely grateful. On behalf of the many thousands of native animals who will get their second chance thanks to Thomas and Brenda, thank you.
If you’d like information on leaving a Bequest to WIRES please contact our Bequest Manager on 02 8977 3367 or email [email protected]
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