NSW Rehabilitation Capacity Building Project

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

WIRES is undergoing a comprehensive review of wildlife rehabilitation facilities across NSW.  This will lead into the biggest rehabilitation capacity building project ever undertaken by the organisation.

A newly employed Rehabilitation Facilities Projects Co-ordinator will oversee the project liaising with Species Teams, all 28 WIRES branches and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.    

The project will include:

  • Mapping existing facilities to determine current capacity
  • Analysis of rescue stats to understand regional needs to date and trends
  • Analysis of availability of trained volunteers by species in each region
  • Consulting with Species Teams to review NSW needs, gaps and requirements for optimal capacity and best practice care
  • Consulting Branches to understand local needs, gaps and requirements for optimal capacity
  • Liaising with NPWS to review rehabilitation capacity gaps and requirements across all species
  • Prioritising project and overseeing project budgets and completion targets
  • Ensuring appropriate processes are in place for the ongoing management and maintenance of all facilities

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