Council Planting Projects

WIRES is working closely with councils to establish ongoing harvestable food sources for wildlife in care, as sourcing appropriate quantities and varieties of fresh foliage can be very difficult for carers in many regions.

Current sources are being depleted due to issues such as increased urbanisation and natural disasters, making it more difficult for rehabilitators to support the high volumes of sick, injured, and orphaned, native animals needing care.

Having fresh, reliable foliage sources available to wildlife rehabilitators is invaluable, and WIRES is actively working with councils to establish planting projects designed to provide long-term access to wildlife foodbanks for carers, set up specifically to support local species.

As planting sites take time to reach a harvestable size and require careful ongoing management, the full benefits of these projects will be delivered when the sites are well established.

In addition to providing critical resources for wildlife and wildlife carers, there are other significant environmental benefits to these projects. The planting sites contribute to a more sustainable environmental footprint, allow for revegetation of currently untapped sites, and the established plants will ultimately contribute to carbon sequestration efforts.

Wildlife foodbank projects underway include:

WIRES has received growing support from councils acknowledging the critical work undertaken by wildlife carers and seeking ways to get more involved. As planting project locations are confirmed more projects will be initiated, and councils are also reviewing options to provide harvesting access to local carers to other safe and appropriate sites for foliage collection.

WIRES is also working with councils on ways to increase community wildlife information and education and seeking council partnerships in key locations to partner on facilities projects to support best-practice wildlife rehabilitation.

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