Enrolment form for WIRES Community Mange Treatment Course

For 2024 only, this course is available in two formats. Both formats cover the same learning material and objectives. The formats available are:

Please note: Students do not need to complete both of the format options in order to complete this training. Please choose one of the two format options, at the end of this enrolment form. 

Please follow the 5 steps below to book into WIRES Community Mange Treatment Course.

If you experience any difficulties completing the form we recommend switching to the Safari, IE or Firefox browser before filling in the form.

You must be a resident of New South Wales, Australia to enrol into this course.

There are some areas of NSW where wombats are not found or mange is not known to be affecting the local wombat populations. If you cannot see your suburb in the dropdown list, please proceed to fill in the enquiry form and you will be added to an expression of interest register should an opportunity to treat mange in your suburb becomes available in the future.

Step 1

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